The Challenge: Asynchrony had used a larger PR firm to get exposure and visibility about the company, executives, products, services, and activities. While the company expanded and grew its offerings and capabilities, the PR didn't quite keep up. We were brought on board to help get the word out and provide a comprehensive PR program on behalf of all corporate assets.
A Few Highlights Resulting From Our Efforts:
We worked with Asynchrony for many years. During that time, we placed several hundred stories....different types of stories based on company needs, goals, hot items, and activities. We worked closely with management software developers, the quality team. With that, we got stories about their management team, their development practices, and their quality focus. We had their CTO get extensive visibility as his story was published widely about project management. We secured a regular monthly column in Application Development Trends for a VP.
When one of their staffers trained to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro for a cancer community fundraiser, we got him a full feature in the St. Louis Post Dispatch. We arranged for a local television crew from the ABC affiliate to come to the office and tape a news segment of a company staff member walking stairs in the building at lunch time to prepare for his hike.
We secured stories about their product, their agile and lean expertise, their SOA background. We got numerous stories in high-level government magazines. They got funding for a mobile practice and our PR supported this effort by securing coverage about their funding in business and in mobile magazines. When they provided a technology for a major credit card provider we secured coverage in press for financial, business, retail, credit services, development, and technology. The company was looking to recruit and we got the HR team multiple stories in Dice, Monster, and other recruiting outlets.
And then when the corporate blog was developed, we worked with individual staff members (and bloggers) to augment their posts into articles that we placed. All media stories were then published through company social media channels.
"Dave has provided Asynchrony with exceptional public relations support. I recommend him unconditionally," David Elfanbaum, Cofounder, VP Marketing, Geek Interpreter Guy, Asynchrony.

Large bylined feature on behalf of the co-founder of the company.
Story by company VP about how to collect, organize, evaluate, and disseminate information.
Ten point strategy about mobile computing strategy to reinforce company mobile brand and experience
Regular monthly column about software development issues on behalf of company VP...positioning him as true industry expert
Various stories over the years in the highly regarded Dr. Dobbs. Stories related to different software development issues
Full page feature story with images, byline, and biography included in Wired Magazine.