How High-Tech Companies Should Leverage Media Relations Success
Getting media coverage has huge benefits to a corporation. The company can attract new business leads, and its corporate name, executives, and products can achieve higher market status and recognition. While the story or segment reaches a large number of readers, followers, listeners, or viewers, it is essential to give legs to the media coverage so that the success stays with the company over the long haul and reaches an even larger audience. Even more beneficial and of great importance, is the fact that using PR to reach these potential buyers is less costly than direct marketing, sales, or advertising and yet more credible.
An important starting point before the story even runs….a company should consider alerting friends of the organization to let them know about the upcoming story. Seeing a big story aired live on CNBC or in the Wall Street Journal on the day of print is quite exciting and an opportunity that could be viewed and enjoyed as it unfolds.
With that in mind, once the story does hit, it's time to leverage that media success. Below are several ways to do so.
1. Website. There are numerous ways to promote this on the company Website. You can post the coverage in a section called "Media Coverage." You can post it on a landing page, on a home page sidebar or a running news section. Specific stories about company products might be included in the product section; an excellent way to promote the product from a third-party perspective. Published stories from company executives could be mentioned in the biography of the executive on the Website and other areas where bios are posted to show their industry thought leadership.
2. Marketing. Besides the Website, mentions of stories or quotes pulled from the article or segment can be used in brochures, flyers, postcards, lead generator letters, sales and marketing kits, or fulfillment letters. Cross-pollination can also occur by inserting story content into current print or online advertising campaigns.
3. Stakeholders. Sharing media successes with investors, employees, customers, partners, and vendors is an excellent way to keep them informed about the company and to show activity, endorsement, and analysis. Media coverage could be framed and put around the corporate and regional offices as well, for all employees and visitors to see.
4. Potential Stakeholders. Along with existing stakeholders comes potential stakeholders or even past stakeholders. Companies should take advantage of letting potential investors, employee candidates (or as an outreach tool for recruiting), past customers, potential customers (leads, prospects, and suspects), and potential business partners.
5. Trade Shows. There are numerous opportunities to showcase media successes while participating at a trade show. Having reprints for handouts at the booth is one example. Using pull quotes within signage/banners/flyers, sales presentations, speaking applications and presentations, award nominations, and show material such as a show guide is a second example. And of course any kits made available onsite or online as part of the show participation should include the media coverage as well.
6. Three Additional Channels. Other placeholders and methods to amplify media wins would be in the corporate blog, the corporate newsletter, and within all social media channels.

Too many companies fail at the strategy of leveraging media coverage. While the media placement is a great accomplishment, the question should then be, “now what?” These six methods will help an organization lengthen the shelf life of its media coverage and increase the audience that witnesses the coverage; resulting in stronger market awareness and a greater number of business leads.